Since its inception in 2005, the Irish Business Journal has endeavoured to provide authors with a forum for presenting research across a broad spectrum. The journal aims to present readers with a diverse and interesting collection of papers, and welcomes papers from both academics and practitioners. This journal is an Irish publication, homed in Munster Technological University, however in addition to presenting papers that are of interest to the Irish academic and business sector, it also aims to present papers that have global interest and reach. All papers are double blind peer-reviewed, with an average turn around time of 2-4 months.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Current Issue: Volume 13, Number 1 (2021)
The Business Landscape 2021/2022
Holly Barry Dr
Stand Alone or Continue to Support: Exploring the Need for Post Incubation Services for New and Growing Enterprises.
Miriam Adair, Breda Kenny, and Helen McGuirk
Brief report: Employees’ perceptions of stress and support during a pandemic mandated telework
Dimple S. Johnson, Aaron D. Johnson, Kristen B. Crossney, and Emily Devereux
Change Management in the Irish Defence Forces during Technological Change
Paul Hegarty Lt Cdr