Dataset: Seeking feedback and taking action: An evidence based evaluation of the impact of using practice tests with inbuilt feedback in a large first-year business class.
Document Type
1. Survey data collection began with a 13 question survey used in classes in early February 2020. This initial feedback survey was conducted via MS Forms. The data from this is available in the following files:
a. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_rawdata.csv
b. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_how-many-times-got-feedback.csv
c. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_take-action-after-feedback.csv
d. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_type-feedback-you-prefer.csv
e. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_purpose-of-feedback.csv
f. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_define-feedback.csv
g. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_what-makes-feedback-useful.csv
h. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_know-how-feedback-effective.csv
i. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_what-can-institute-do-to-improve-feedback.csv
2. The first practice test was followed by a short survey of approximately 3 questions (created using MS Forms, a mix of closed and open questions).
The data from this is available in the following files:
a. 2020-3-2_feedbacksurvey_2_rawdata.csv
b. 2020-3-2_action-comments-coded.csv
c. 2020-3-2_other-comments-coded.csv
d. 2020-3-2_open-question-comments.csv
3. The second practice test followed by a 3 question short survey (created using MS Forms, all open questions)
The data from this is available in the following files:
a. 2020-5-12_feedbacksurvey_3_rawdata.csv
b. 2020-5-12_feedbacksurvey_3_what-learn-by-participating.csv
c. 2020-5-12_feedbacksurvey_3_what-action-taking.csv
d. 2020-5-12_feedbacksurvey_3_has-module-changed-view-of-feedback.csv
4. Quantitative data was available from Canvas. Specifically, the number of times students had taken the practice test before the midterm summative exam and compared with the student grades from the 30% midterm summative exam.
The data from this is available in the following files:
a. 2020-11-26_Canvasdata_midterm.csv
5. Following the completion of the second summative exam (worth 70%), Canvas data showing the number of times the students had taken the second practice test and the grade outcomes for the students for the summative 70% test was gathered.
The data from this is available in the following files:
a. 2020-11-26_Canvasdata_endterm.csv
Start Date
End Date
1. Survey data collection began with a 13 question survey used in classes in early February 2020. This initial feedback survey was conducted via MS Forms. The data from this is available in the following files:
a. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_rawdata.csv
b. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_how-many-times-got-feedback.csv
c. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_take-action-after-feedback.csv
d. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_type-feedback-you-prefer.csv
e. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_purpose-of-feedback.csv
f. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_define-feedback.csv
g. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_what-makes-feedback-useful.csv
h. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_know-how-feedback-effective.csv
i. 2020-2-17_feedbacksurvey_1_what-can-institute-do-to-improve-feedback.csv
2. The first practice test was followed by a short survey of approximately 3 questions (created using MS Forms, a mix of closed and open questions).
The data from this is available in the following files:
a. 2020-3-2_feedbacksurvey_2_rawdata.csv
b. 2020-3-2_action-comments-coded.csv
c. 2020-3-2_other-comments-coded.csv
d. 2020-3-2_open-question-comments.csv
3. The second practice test followed by a 3 question short survey (created using MS Forms, all open questions)
The data from this is available in the following files:
a. 2020-5-12_feedbacksurvey_3_rawdata.csv
b. 2020-5-12_feedbacksurvey_3_what-learn-by-participating.csv
c. 2020-5-12_feedbacksurvey_3_what-action-taking.csv
d. 2020-5-12_feedbacksurvey_3_has-module-changed-view-of-feedback.csv
4. Quantitative data was available from Canvas. Specifically, the number of times students had taken the practice test before the midterm summative exam and compared with the student grades from the 30% midterm summative exam.
The data from this is available in the following files:
a. 2020-11-26_Canvasdata_midterm.csv
5. Following the completion of the second summative exam (worth 70%), Canvas data showing the number of times the students had taken the second practice test and the grade outcomes for the students for the summative 70% test was gathered.
The data from this is available in the following files:
a. 2020-11-26_Canvasdata_endterm.csv
Munster Technological University
File Format
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Huskisson, S., O' Mahony, T., & Lacey, S. (2021). Seeking feedback and taking action: An evidence based evaluation of the impact of using practice tests with inbuilt feedback in a large first-year business class. [Data set]. Munster Technological University. https://doi.org/10.34719/8S9A-AX37