What are Recycling Derived Fertilisers? (English)
Munster Technological University is a project partner of the Interreg North-West (NW) Europe project ReNu2Farm. This project aims to increase the recycling rates of the plant nutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K). Currently, farmers predominantly use mineral fertilisers that are a limited resource and in the case of N are energy-intensive to produce. To increase the sustainability of farming and food production, the recycling rates for nutrients need to be increased. However, recycling derived fertilisers such as compost and anaerobic digestion find it difficult to locate a market. During stakeholder engagement, it was found that the farming community is not familiar with the term Recycling Derived Fertilisers (RDFs). These videos were produced as an educational tool to help inform the farming community about RDF products. The videos are available in five languages (English, Dutch, Flemish, French and German). For more information please contact Dr. Niamh Power
Publication Date
Munster Technological University
Cork, Ireland
recycling derived fertilisers, english, plant nutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), potassium (K), sustainability, awareness, farming community
Agricultural Education | Agriculture | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Engineering
Recommended Citation
Power, Niamh and Egan, Aoife, "What are Recycling Derived Fertilisers? (English)" (2021). Recycling Derived Fertilisers. 1.