Author Guidelines

About ORBioM

ORBioM, the postgraduate conference hosted by the Department of Biological Sciences & MTU Library, will occur on the Bishopstown campus on June 16th, 2025.

We invite and encourage all MTU affiliated postgraduate students working on a biology-aligned research project to submit an abstract of their research for an oral or poster presentation at the conference. Guidelines on abstract formatting, poster and oral presentation formats, and abstract submission are provided in this document. Abstract submission closes on Tuesday May 6th at 1 pm.

Abstract Formatting

Abstracts should be no more than 250 words in total. To accommodate students who may be in the early stages of their research, abstracts may be submitted in one of two forms, a research-focused abstract or an abstract for proposed studies. A suggested structure for each type is outlined in the table below.

Research-focused Abstract     Abstract for Proposed Studies
Background Background
Methods Aims
Results Future Research Plans
Conclusion Proposed Significance to the Field of Research

Poster Format

Posters should be A1 in size and in portrait orientation. The design of the poster is at the discretion of each individual postgraduate student. A dedicated session for poster viewing and presentation will be scheduled for the day of the conference.

Oral Presentation Format

Oral presentations should be accompanied by a slide deck and will have a strict duration of 8 – 10 minutes, followed by 3 – 5 minutes of questions. The design of the slide deck is at the discretion of each individual postgraduate student.

*Further details on poster and oral presentations will be provided on abstract acceptance

Abstract Submission

Abstracts should be submitted via the ORBioM website ( On the website, click the submit button. You will be prompted to log in using your credentials for SWORD (MTU’s institutional repository). If you do not have an account with SWORD, click on the sign-up button and create an account using your postgraduate email address. Once signed in, you will be able to access the abstract submission page. The following fields should be completed during submission.

  • Title (of abstract)
  • Presenter information (First name, Initial, Last name – Department, College/University, County, Ireland)
  • ORCID (if you do not have an ORCID, one can be created at
  • Department (enter the name of your home department in MTU)
  • Year of Study (input how many years you have been in your programme of research, i.e., input the number 4 if you are in your fourth year)
  • Full-time or part-time study
  • Level (undergraduate or postgraduate)
  • Name of course (only applicable to undergraduate submissions)
  • Presentation type (oral or poster; “none” may be selected if you have no specific preference for the type of presentation)
  • Supervisor(s)
  • Abstract (first instance; enter the text of your abstract in the supplied text box)
  • Keywords
  • Disciplines (choose one or more appropriate discipline area(s) for your work from the available options)
  • The comments and recommended citation sections should be left blank
  • Upload Abstract (second instance; upload a word document containing your abstract title with the same text as entered in the first abstract field – this document will be used for the peer-review process)

*Accepted abstracts will be published to the ORBioM website under an appropriate Creative Commons licence

**The use of GenAI tools to generate content for ORBioM abstracts is strongly discouraged.