Artist(s) role(s)
Co-created composition and performance by members of the Inclusive Music Ensemble
Publication Date
Fall 10-2023
Year of Release
Instrumentation: cello | bodhrán | MIDI gong | MIDI snare drum | MIDI arpeggiators | piano or keyboard | saxophone or other woodwind or brass instrument.
Pre-recorded material: lyrics with vocoder | techno beat.
The director moves through each step as the see fit in order to create a gradual swell in intensity, followed by a return to calm.
Music, Electronic Music, Composition, Arts Participation, Inclusive Education, Performance, Co-creation, Co-design, Practice-based Research
Accessibility | Composition | Disability and Equity in Education | Music | Music Education | Music Performance | Music Practice
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Inclusive Music Ensemble, "CAFD" (2023). Inclusive Music Ensemble. 1.
All names listed above/in the score refer to the performers who first devised and performed the piece.