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Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Energy Policy | Environmental Policy | Nuclear Engineering | Power and Energy

Publication Details

American International Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, February 2012, pp. 40-50.


This study assesses the attitudes and opinions of Irish people towards the use of nuclear power, and specifically examines the concept that Ireland should use nuclear power to generate electricity in the future. Currently, Ireland has a prohibition on nuclear power, with little debate or discussion on same, and with scant amounts of information published on the subject as it relates to Ireland. Conversely, from an international perspective, there is a significant volume of literature available covering all aspects of nuclear power, generated from over 50 years of nuclear power operations. Nuclear power technology is perceived as being a relatively cheap source of electricity, with some positive environmental credentials. The evidence from this study, however, highlights that the public’s attitudes are predominantly influenced by safety concerns and issues surrounding nuclear waste management. This research study has found that Irish people do not support nuclear power at present, but may consider supporting nuclear power under certain circumstances and conditions in the future. This current investigation reveals that if nuclear power could be proven to provide lower electricity costs, lower carbon dioxide emissions and enhanced security of supply, attitudes and opinions could change towards nuclear power to the point that it could become favoured. This research has identified key findings that point to a desire that relevant information on nuclear power be made available in Ireland, and also for the instigation of a national debate on the use of this technology for electricity generation in the future.
