Articles from 2024
WiPoTS: An Application Layer Protocol With Network Protocol Stack Enhancements For Wireless Power Transfer Networks, Muhammad Omer Farooq
Performing Distributed Quantum Calculations in a Multi-cloud Architecture Secured by the Quantum Key Distribution Protocol, Jose Luis Lo Huang and Vincent C. Emeakaroha
The Characteristics of Digital Transformation Leadership: Theorizing the Practitioner Voice, Pat McCarthy, David Sammon, and Ibrahim Alhassan
A Survey on Training Challenges in Generative Adversarial Networks for Biomedical Image Analysis, Muhammad Muneeb Saad, Ruairi O'Reilly, and Mubashir Husain Rehmani
Articles from 2023
A Comparative Analysis of Proactive and Reactive Methods for Privacy-Aware Interleaved DNN Offloading, Jamie Cotter
Costs and Benefits of Authentication Advice, Hazel Murray and David Malone
Analyzing syntactic constructs of Java programs with machine learning, Francisco Ortin, Guillermo Facundo, and Miguel Garcia
SECAP Switch—Defeating Topology Poisoning Attacks Using P4 Data Planes, Dylan Smyth, Sandra Scott-Hayward, Victor Cionca, Sean McSweeney, and Donna O'Shea
Articles from 2021
Japanese Quail (Coturnix Japonica) as a Novel Model to Study the Relationship Between the Avian Microbiome and Microbial Endocrinology-Based Host-Microbe Interactions, Joshua M. Lyte, James Keane, Julia Eckenberger, Nicholas Anthony, Sandip Shrestha, Daya Marasini, Karrie M. Daniels, Valentina Caputi, Annie M. Donoghue, and Mark Lyte
QoSA-ICN: An Information-Centric Approach to QoS in Vehicular Environments, Jessica McCarthy, Saqib Rasool Chaudhry, Perumal Kuppuudaiyar, Radhika Loomba, and Siobhan Clarke
IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Software-Defined Networks for Energy Internet and Smart Grid Communication, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Alan Davy, Brendan Jennings, Zeeshan Kaleem, Akhilesh S. Thyagaturu, Hassnaa Moustafa, and Al-Sakib Khan Pathan
Cyber Security Framework for Vehicular Network based on a Hierarchical Game, Hichem Sedjelmaci, Imane Horiya Brahmi, Nirwan Ansari, and Mubashir Husain Rehmani
Parking recommender system privacy preservation through anonymization and differential privacy, Yasir Saleem Shaikh, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Noel Crespi, and Roberto Minerva
Control over Skies: Survivability, Coverage, and Mobility Laws for Hierarchical Aerial Base Stations, Vishal Sharma, Navuday Sharma, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Haris Pervaiz
Articles from 2020
Color-based template selection for detection of gastric abnormalities in video endoscopy, Hussam Ali, Muhammad Sharif, Mussarat Yasmin, and Mubashir Husain Rehmani
A survey of feature extraction and fusion of deep learning for detection of abnormalities in video endoscopy of gastrointestinal-tract, Hussam Ali, Muhammad Sharif, Mussarat Yasmin, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Farhan Riaz
MAC Protocols for Terahertz Communication: A Comprehensive Survey, Saim Ghafoor, Noureddine Boujnah, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Alan Davy
Multi‑view Clustering for Multi‑omics Data Using Unifed Embedding, Mohammed Hasanuzzaman, Sayantan Mitra, and Sriparna Saha
Security, Privacy and Trust for Smart Mobile- Internet of Things (M-IoT): A Survey, Vishal Sharma, Ilsun You, Karl Andersson, Francesco Palmieri, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Jaedeock Lim
DEAL: Differentially Private Auction for Blockchain based Microgrids Energy Trading, Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Jinjun Chen
Differential Privacy Techniques for Cyber Physical Systems: A Survey, Muneeb Ul Hassan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Jinjun Chen
Articles from 2019
Effective Capacity in Wireless Networks: A Comprehensive Survey, Muhammad Amjad, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Leila Musavian
Simplicity DiffExpress: A Bespoke Cloud-Based Interface for RNA-seq Differential Expression Modeling and Analysis, Cintia C. Palu, Marcelo Ribeiro-Alves, Yanxin Wu, Brendan Lawlor, Pavel V. Baranov, Brian Kelly, and Paul Walsh
Software Defined Networks based Smart Grid Communication: A Comprehensive Survey, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Alan Davy, Brendan Jennings, and Chadi Assi
Building consumer trust in the cloud: an experimental analysis of the cloud trust label approach, Lisa van der Werff, Grace Fox, Ieva Masevic, Vincent C. Emeakaroha, John P. Morrison, and Theo Lynn
Articles from 2017
Reactions to Imagery Generated Using Computational Aesthetic Measures, Prasad Gade, Mary Galvin, James O'Sullivan, Paul Walsh, and Órla Murphy