Document Type
Optics | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Physics
We discuss unreported transitions of oxidised GaAs surfaces between (super)hydrophilic and hydrophobic states when stored in ambient conditions. Contact angles higher than 90° and high adhesive force were observed for several air-aged epitaxial samples grown under different conditions, as well as on epi-ready wafers. Regardless of the morphologies of the surface, superhydrophilicity of oxygen-plasma treated samples was observed, an effect disappearing with storage time. Reproducible hydrophobicity was likewise observed, as expected, after standard HCl surface etching. The relation between surface oxides and hydrophobic/hydrophilic behaviour is discussed.
Recommended Citation
A. Gocalinska, K. Gradkowski, V. Dimastrodonato, L. O. Mereni, G. Juska, G. Huyet, and E. Pelucchi , "Wettability and “petal effect” of GaAs native oxides", Journal of Applied Physics 110, 034319 (2011)
Publication Details
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 110, no. 3. © 2011 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in "A. Gocalinska, K. Gradkowski, V. Dimastrodonato, L. O. Mereni, G. Juska, G. Huyet, and E. Pelucchi , "Wettability and “petal effect” of GaAs native oxides", Journal of Applied Physics 110, 034319 (2011)" and may be found at (URL/link for published article abstract).