Date of Award


Document Type

Master Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Business

First Advisor

Dr Angel Wright


This dissertation will take a case study approach which will entail researching a particular discipline of employees within an organisation in order to understand and conclude on the research topic. The research topic is performance management and the aim is to see if a more formal performance management system can be put in place and accepted by the employees of this organisation, a public hospital in Ireland. In order to answer the research question “Performance Management; should it be implemented into public hospital X?” the researcher conducted both quantitative research and qualitative research methodology. The quantitative research consisted of a questionnaire on survey monkey that was circulated to the management and administration discipline in Hospital X. The sample size included 30 out of 130 employees of this discipline and questioned the past, present and future state of performance management processes done by their heads of departments and supervisors. The qualitative research included six face to face interviews with heads of departments and supervisors within the management and administration discipline and questioned the past, present and future state of performance management processes within Hospital X. Interestingly, the findings from this research case study revealed that the heads of departments and supervisors are already doing several different performance management processes on an informal basis to their employees and they didn't realise this. Equally, the employees from the discipline found that their heads of departments and supervisors are performance managing in some respects, and would like a more formal process put in place. This research will be of benefit to the Health Service Executive (HSE), the HR team, the Employee Management Board (EMB), and the Heads of Departments (HODs).

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