Date of Award


Document Type

Master Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Business (Research)


Business Studies

First Advisor

Dr Henry Lyons

Second Advisor

Ms Breda O Dwyer


This study focuses on the stimulation and development of growth-oriented entrepreneurs in Co. Kerry, with particular emphasis on the knowledge-based sector. The knowledge-based sector has been identified as a key area for development by the enterprise support agencies. The rationale for the study arose from the knowledge that a certain enterprise boom had taken place in Kerry in recent years and this had resulted in the creation of a new culture of entrepreneurial development in the county.

The research aims to profile Kerry‟s growthoriented knowledge-based entrepreneurs and to identify the factors that stimulated them to initiate and develop business ventures in Kerry. In addition the research examines how potential growth-oriented entrepreneurs might be identified and stimulated to initiate new enterprises in the county. The relevant entrepreneurial literature is examined with a view to providing a theoretical basis for the study and to develop a better understanding of entrepreneurship. The literature is also used to discuss the development of Irish enterprise policy and how it has impacted on Co. Kerry. Various research approaches and methodologies were considered in relation to conducting the study. Data from the field study is used to build a profile of growth-oriented entrepreneurs in Kerry and to identify the key factors that stimulate and motivate them to initiate new ventures.

The findings from the study are used to draw conclusions and make recommendations for further research and practice.

Access Level



July 2024
