Date of Award


Document Type

Master Thesis

Degree Name

Masters of Science (Research)


Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

First Advisor

Ms Fiona O Flynn

Second Advisor

Dr Noel Mulligan


Discarding has been identified as a global problem in fisheries. ICES, the EU and national governments have prioritised studying discarding as an area of research. In conjunction with Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), the Marine Institute, Institute of Technology, Tralee and the Dingle Bay Inshore Management Development committee a study of the impacts of incorporating technical conservation measures (TCM’s) into trawls was undertaken. TCM’s under investigation included 80mm and 90mm square mesh panels inserted in the top-sheet before the cod-end, 100mm codends and a separator trawl. It was found that boats using 100mm cod-ends produced less discards than when towing standard nets with 80mm cod-ends, but that landings, particularly of black sole (Solea solea) were also reduced. Boats towing nets fitted with square mesh panels were also found to catch less undersized fish than when towing standard nets with less reduction in the landings of black sole than the 100mm cod-ends. Mean discard levels for the boats towing standard nets during the trial was found to be high for all species measured except black sole.

Access Level



July 2024
