Date of Award


Document Type

Master Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts


Media Communications

First Advisor

Emmet Coffey


This is a study into online issues management for Public Relations. It focuses on key themes related to the issues management process such as reputation management and two-way symmetrical communication.

The project highlights how Web 2.0 technologies and social media platforms have impacted strategic public relations. It focuses on media relations, transparency, engagement and monitoring and the how these tools are integrated into social media by public relations professionals.

Primary and secondary resources have been used in this project to provide insights into the chosen field of study.

Primary research carried out was in the form of semi-structured interviews and used professionals in the industry.

Secondary resources drew from a range of academic sources and used the insights of theorists such as Grunig and Hunt, Theaker, and Kitchen as a framework for analysis and understanding.

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