Date of Award


Document Type

Master Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Engineering (Research)


Electronic Engineering

First Advisor

Martin Klepal


The development of the UWB radar for people location and tracking was motivated by the need for a location and tracking system that performs well indoor. The objectives of the project are:

1. Conduct literature surveys of Ultra Wide Band and Location & Tracking.

2. Determine which UWB pulse is the most suitable for the UWB radar.

3. Design the concept of the UWB radar based on the literature reviews and the UWB pulse chosen.

4. Build an UWB radar prototype.

5. Measurement and Evaluation of the prototype.

This thesis introduces UWB key historical developments and properties; but also, its differences in communication and radar technologies compared to conventional radio. The survey of location and tracking emphasizes that UWB is better suited for indoor location and tracking over other technologies. An UWB pulse study was conducted to determine which pulses were to be used for the radar design. The chosen pulse was then used to develop a working radar concept. This concept allowed a performance evaluation of the UWB radar. Following this, two modules were designed: a Broadband ERA amplifier and a Broadband Directional Coupler. The ERA21-SM iteration of model development is described as well as its manufacturing process and experimental results. It was used to in a successful UWB link experiment. Then the thesis describes the development of the Broadband Directional coupler using a three-dimensional structure and shows successful experimental results. Finally this thesis concludes on the work achieved and future research.

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