Date of Award


Document Type

Master Thesis

Degree Name

Masters of Science (Research)


Biological Sciences

First Advisor

Byron Treacy

Second Advisor

Dr. Brendan O'Connell


Post analysis of a worldwide survey of Medical Herbalists, 93% of respondents were in favour of an online system which could update monographs dynamically. 63% of respondents suggested that some current monographs are out of date and lack certain practicalities in areas such as : Interactions, Dosage and Safety. Research into gaining optimal responses from surveys led to a 78% response rate. Survey analysis resulted in a modem up-to-date monograph template being created and each of the aforementioned information systems tested against same. Testing involved the generation of XML, HTML, PHP and OWL languages for encoding documents to allow for update. As a result of the implementation testing findings suggested that two of these information systems would not be compatible with dynamic updating however the results of implementation of one system is already showing positive results. This system would be run by and for the herbal community. The idea of updating herbal monographs dynamically, although, in its embryonic stage is already becoming a reality, infrastructure is in place and membership of the community who shall run this site has begun. In time it is hoped information content will become as respected as ESCOP or EMA monographs as the information is inputted by herbalists. In the field of Herbal Medicine, WikiHerb could become as important as MIMS is to the field of Conventional Medicine in this digital world.

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