

Classic theatres worldwide are faced with the trend of aging of loyal audiences and general decrease of the audience size. It indicates that attracting young audiences to classic theatre is the key issue of its existence. Since the quality of communication is one of the major elements of marketing efficiency, the aim of this research is to identify Croatian classic theatre website characteristics and usability elements which are connected with website experience of young target audiences. Altogether 7 Croatian national theatres and three commercial theatres’ official websites were tested. The in-depth analysis of websites of sample theatres implies that website content had the most positive perception among respondents. Two other measured constructs – visual attractiveness and visibility of theatre websites have also scored both positive. Finally, the overall perception of sample theatre websites was graded somewhat positive. In terms of strategic implications, this research indicates the underutilized websites potential as an efficient communication tool toward young audiences. They are currently created with the aim to satisfy the need for information, but the expectations of young audiences are higher. Two-way web communication, which makes existing and potential consumers an integral part of theatre product in its widest sense should be implemented.
