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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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Business | Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations | Sales and Merchandising

Publication Details

Cogent Business & Management


Consumers are now bombarded with marketing messages in relation to food choice and consumption, but modern day consumers are very concerned with the food chain and have become discerning about their food choices.

This research examines “Local and Artisan” food choices and finds that consumers in general would like to have easy access to such products. While traditionally found at farmers’ markets, now everyday access is sought through Supermarkets. The researchers were fortunate in having access to a large supermarket rewards programme database where 14,646 supermarket shoppers responded. The study finds that Local and Artisan food products are desired by shoppers and will warrant space on the shelves of supermarkets.

This research examines what local and artisan foods mean to the consumers and how they are interpreted and understood by consumers.

Also, both “where our food actually comes from”, and the importance of this information to the consumer is interpreted.
