
Document Type



Architectural History and Criticism | Architectural Technology | Architecture

Publication Details

Journal of Engineering and Architecture

© The Author(s) 2015.


This paper contextualizes the 1967 design of Regional Technical College (RTC) campuses in Ireland, with reference to the influence of oil crises on early green design and the establishment of a regulatory environment. Variation between NZEB and Passive House low energy strategies are discussed. Design Science and Action research inform solution-oriented methodologies in a pilot retrofit project on 1.5% area of an RTC building. Problem investigation notes previous schemes, stakeholder’s goals, building evaluation and energy performance diagnosis. Environment interaction between context and artifact are discussed. Design validation includes simulated envelope performances, which inform design iterations. Phenomena are evaluated in terms of energy performance during a critical time window. Findings from the design process of the pilot project are presented, outlining its limitations, scalability and commercialization potential.
