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Document Type



Business | Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations

Publication Details

Small Enterprise Research, vol. 29, no. 1. © 2021 Taylor & Francis. This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Small Business Enterprise on 31/05/2021, available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13215906.2021.1919915.


Europe’s population is getting older; dependency ratios are set to double by 2060. Such transformations and demographic change pose major challenges and potential benefits for the economy. Addressing the call in the literature for further research into the supply side of the silver economy, this research contributes to the understanding of enterprises’ awareness of this growing market and its potential economic value. This research employs primary data from eight regions across seven European Union countries. Using semi-structured interviews, the unit of analysis is at the firm level and qualitative content analysis to analyse the rich data. While we find some firms are aware of the silver economy, many have a social/caring view. The awareness of the potential for enterprises to benefit from the silver economy is weak and there is a lack of awareness of training or other public supports at a regional level in the European Union.
