
Document Type

Conference Object


Adult and Continuing Education | Aviation | Aviation and Space Education | Education | Higher Education | University Extension

Publication Details

Published in Making Policy Work: Validation of Prior Learning for Education and the Labour Market, Which is the edited proceedings of the 3rd VPL Biennale, held in Berlin, Germany, 7-8 May, 2019. https://ec-vpl.nl/project/3rd-vpl-biennale-3/


Facilitating Educational Opportunities for Pilots using Cohort RPL 3.3 Pio Fenton and Deirdre Goggin The lifestyle and, indeed workstyle, of pilots has long proved an impediment to the attainment of third level qualifications while maintaining active and full participation in the workforce. Equally, the significant investment in pilot training has been poorly reflected in mechanisms of advanced entry to college and university programmes. This poses a quandary for those of us in Higher Education which requires quick resolution for this critical element of the airline industry. Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) has developed a programme which, by design, reflects the training foundations and career trajectories of qualified pilots in a more holistic way. Through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) the programme recognises the extensive learning involved in becoming a pilot at commercial level. The underpinning technical expertise, the competences developed and tested along the way, and the attendant awareness of the industry are critical pieces of learning comparable to that developed in many degrees. The RPL process accepts the value of this learning and through a rigorous and quality-assured means equates this to years 1 and 2 of a 4-year Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Business with Aviation Studies.
