Date of Award


Document Type

Master Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Business (Research)


Business Studies

First Advisor

Dr Sophie Price

Second Advisor

Dr Clare Rigg


The adventure tourism industry is experiencing a period of accelerated growth (UNWTO, 2014) and is increasingly being recognised as a source of huge potential for Ireland (Failte Ireland, 2013). The adventure tourism industry in Ireland is highly fragmented, unregulated and mainly comprised of micro enterprises largely based in rural and isolated locations. These characteristics combine to enhance the uniqueness of the adventure product but also bring challenges for business development. Many challenges facing adventure tourism operators can be alleviated by strategic networking. The benefits of engaging in effective business networking range from aspects of learning and exchange, business activity and community benefits (Morrisson et al., 2004). Networking between businesses who share interests and markets has been shown to benefit stakeholders mutually, though it is crucial for the networking relationship to be appropriate and fair. The purpose of this research is to advance the adventure tourism product in Ireland by examining networking within the industry. This research adopted a subjectivist interpretive approach, using mixed methods, and was conducted in four counties in the southwest of Ireland (Cork, Kerry, Limerick and Clare). There are two unique aspects of this research, the first is the profiling of adventure tourism operators and the second is the use of a sociogram as a tool to gather key data about the habitual networking activity of the participating providers. The findings showed that networking takes place regularly between adventure tourism providers and a range of providers in the wider tourism sector. Networking was largely considered by adventure tourism providers to utilise scarce resources and result in uncertain outcomes. The findings revealed a number of barriers to networking including a lack of networking supports and effective coordination. With purposive structures and guidelines, networking can become a catalyst to enhance the adventure tourism product and the industry.

Access Level



August 2024
